Monday, December 26, 2011


If you believe that the Senior Leadership of the  Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS) has made more than one "Lobbying Contact" with Members of Congress or their respective staffs in the last five years, then there is reason to believe that the HSUS and its Senior Leadership have failed to comply with the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 because they have never registered as a lobbying organization or as lobbyists with the appropriate Congressional Offices.
If every Member of Congress were to receive Hundreds, or possibly thousands, of E-Mails from their constituents which asks Six Pointed Questions, those E-Mails may shine a BIG BRIGHT SPOTLIGHT on the fact that the HSUS has been acting "ABOVE THE LAW" and should be held accountable.
You will help to BRIGHTEN THAT SPOTLIGHT if you will take less than 20 Minutes to send an E-Mail to your two U.S. Senators and to your U.S. Representative and ask six pointed questions.  If you wish to do so, follow the instructions set out below and use the suggested Text for your E-Mails.  And yes, send E-Mails to the Members of Congress who are supporting the HSUS Legislative Agenda.  LARGE NUMBERS OF E-MAILS CAN AND DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE WITH MEMBERS OF CONGRESS!!!!!!  That is why the HSUS literally generates Millions of E-Mails going to Members of Congress. 
1.   To send an E-Mail to your U.S. Representative, Log onto
2.   Fill in your state and ZIP Code on the prompt that appears.
3.   Add your name, address and E-Mail address on E-Mail Form for your U.S. Representative; and on the Subject Line add: LOBBYING DISCLOSURE ACT OF 1995; and then add then add the message set out below.
4.   To send an E-Mail to your Two Senators, Log onto:
5.   Click onto the E-Mail Address for each of your two U.S. Senators.
6.   Add your name, address and E-Mail address on E-Mail Form for your U.S. Representative; and on the Subject Line add:  LOBBYING DISCLOSURE ACT OF 1995; and then add then add the message set out below.
7.   So that a running count of total E-Mails may be maintained, send a confirmation that the three E-Mails were sent from which State to Frank Losey: <>

Suggested Text of E-Mail Message

NOTE:  Resist the temptation to mention your parochial "beef" with the HSUS.  This "High Road" Approach is designed to,  in essence, eliminate the opportunity for a "boilerplate" response to be sent back to you which merely states "Thank You for bringing your issues of concern to my attention."  Instead, the "Suggested Text" raises questions that will increase the likelihood that the Members of Congress will need to address a very, very specific  violation of the Law by the HSUS, which violation is not directly related to any specific Bill in Congress.  The GOAL  is to raise a serious question as to the "credibility" of the HSUS.  If successful, it will affect the ability of the  HSUS to influence Congress.  And if it results  in the HSUS "registering" with Congress, this could affect its IRS "public charity" status!!!
Dear Representative/Senator______________
I would appreciate receiving your responses to the following Six Questions that relate to the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.  This Act, as currently written, provides that a person or organization that makes more than one contact with a "Covered Executive Branch Official" or a "Covered Legislative Branch Official," such as Members of Congress and their respective Staffs, must register as a Lobbyist or a Lobbying Organization with the Clerk of the House and the Secretary of the Senate.
QUESTION 1:  Do you believe that the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 should be strictly enforced?
QUESTION 2:  If you believe that the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 should be strictly enforced, why has neither the Clerk of the House nor the Secretary of the Senate published specific procedures that would permit concerned citizens to report apparent violations of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 to an appropriate Congressional Office?
QUESTION 3:      Do you believe that a tax-exempt, public charity and its senior leadership should be required to comply with the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 and register as a lobbying organization and as  lobbyists with the Clerk of the House and the Secretary of the Senate if they have more than one contact with Members of Congress or their respective staffs for the purpose of influencing legislation?
QUESTION 4:  If you believe that a tax-exempt, public charity and its senior leadership should be required  to register as a lobbying organization and as lobbyists if they have had more than one contact with a Member of Congress or his or her staff for the purpose of influencing legislation, why has the Humane Society of the  U. S. (HSUS) and its Senior Leadership been permitted to ignore the registration requirements of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 when they have literally made thousands of contacts with Members of Congress and their respective staffs during the last five years?  For example, in March of 2011 the Humane Society of the U.S. hosted an Awards Banquet during which they honored the 146 Members of Congress who best supported the Legislative Agenda of the HSUS in 2010.
QUESTION 5:  If the  Office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia is the Office in the Justice Department that is responsible for enforcing the Lobbying Disclosure Act of  1995, why has Mr. Keith Morgan, the Assistant U.S. Attorney in that Office not acted on a Complaint that he received during the first week in August of 2011 - - more  than four months ago - -  which documented the thousands of lobbying contacts  made  by the Senior Leadership of Humane Society of the U.S. , and its self-described "Lobbying Arm," the Humane Society Legislative Fund that has oversight over three PACs  that have submitted over 2,300 pages of lobbying-related documents to the Federal Election Commission?
QUESTION 6:  Will you call Mr. Morgan or someone else in the Justice Department and ask why no action has been taken on the documented Complaint received by Mr. Morgan in early August of 2011 so that you and your colleagues in Congress may decide whether or not to repeal the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 or to ensure that it is strictly enforced?
                                                      Respectfully submitted,

Sunday, December 11, 2011

PARVO -- The Untold, Unconscionable and "Inhumane" Silence of the HSUS

Shame on the Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS)!!!!!  If the HSUS truly cared about the health and welfare of puppies and dogs, why has it never spent a single penny from the more than One Billion Dollars ($1,000,000,000) that it received in the last 10 years to publicize and tell Millions of Dog Owners and the American Public about the true causes of PARVO??????????   In this regard, PARVO is highly contagious and results in "sick" puppies and dogs.   Instead, the HSUS distorts the TRUTH and disparages thousands of caring and responsible breeders with the accusation that all "sick" puppies and dogs come from "puppy mills" (PMs), and then it uses that deceitful lie to urge Millions to boycott pet stores that sell puppies because of its libelous claim that all pet store puppies come from "PMs."
The HSUS and other "Charlatan" Lap Dog Organizations that follow the lead of the HSUS never miss an  opportunity to trash "ALL" breeders - - "ALL" Breeders, and not just commercial  breeders who are licensed and inspected by State and Federal Inspectors.  And they post on their Websites "unsanitary conditions" citations issued by APHIS Inspectors to Federally Licensed and Inspected Breeders.  However, they never tell the Members of the American Public, who contribute Several Hundred Million Dollars each year to support their deceitful Propaganda Campaigns, that many of the "unsanitary conditions" citations are related to "discrepancies" as  minor as a cobweb or a dead fly being found in the kennel.  Instead, they weave a web of lies  that suggest that "sick puppies" come from these kennels which they label as "PMs."  Perhaps the most egregious allegation that has ever been made about responsible breeders occurred when a USDA Licensed and Inspected Breeder, who is also Licensed and Inspected by State Inspectors, was listed on the Internet as a "HALL OF SHAME" BREEDER.  And how many citations has this  breeder recently received?  NONE.....ABSOLUTELY NONE IN THE LAST 13 YEARS!!!!!
Stop and ask yourself - - if the name of such an exemplary breeder may be Googled on the Internet and be found on the "HALL OF SHAME,"  what breeder in the U.S. is  immune  from such disparaging  and libelous comments by organizations that DO NOT "Tell the Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth?"
So what is the "TRUTH" about "sick" puppies and dogs?  The "TRUTH" is that most of the so-called "sick" puppies and dogs have been exposed to the highly contagious PARVO Virus, which is spread by puppies and dogs coming into contact with and sniffing other dogs and feces that are contaminated with the PARVO Virus.  Thus, it would logically follow that if the kennels were not sanitary, well maintained and clean, such unsanitary conditions would create a "Perfect Storm" environment for outbreaks of PARVO at all kennels.  This UNTOLD "TRUTH" begs the question:  "If all so-called "PMs" were snarly, unsanitary kennels, why do they not all have outbreaks of PARVO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Another "TRUTH" is that outbreaks of PARVO in commercial breeding kennels are rare and isolated, which suggests that sanitary housekeeping is the common practice within all such kennels - - not only because it is economic suicide to allow unsanitary conditions to destroy your breeding stock and puppies as a result of an outbreak and epidemic of PARVO, but because the overwhelming number of breeders, with rare exceptions, truly care about the health and welfare of their puppies and  dogs.
Yet another "TRUTH" is that the fundamental cause of most "sick puppies" may be traced to the fact that the puppies and dogs became sick with PARVO because the Dog Owners did not follow-up with the PARVO Booster Shots for their puppies, and then unwittingly, with no malice aforethought, the Dog Owners took their puppies for walks in parks where the puppies are exposed to other dogs and  dog droppings that were contaminated with PARVO.  Tragically, the adorable  puppies were perfectly healthy and well socialized when they left the kennels of the responsible breeders; and were perfectly healthy when they left the pet store, but were then exposed to the PARVO Virus while under the unfettered care and control of the Dog Owners who innocently did not understand or knew about the silent threat of PARVO, and how it is contracted by young puppies and dogs.  However, this "TRUTH" has never been the subject of "Educational" Articles posted on the Websites of the HSUS or other Lap Dog Followers of the HSUS disparaging "PM" dogma.
And yet another "TRUTH" is the fact that the HSUS has Outreach Programs that reach out to Millions of Dog Owners, and the HSUS could use those Outreach Programs and the functionality of its Website to educate Millions of Dog Owners about risks of the highly contagious PARVO, which is a major cause of "sick" puppies and dogs, and how best to minimize that risk for their puppies.
Despite the fact that the tax-exempt, public charity status of the HSUS is based in large part on its representations that the HSUS provides an educational service, the HSUS is woefully "Absent Without Leave (AWOL)" with respect to fulfilling the IRS mandate to provide "educational " information on critically important issues such as PARVO, which poses a serious risk to the health and welfare of puppies; and is woefully AWOL in its failure to provide invaluable, educational information to Dog Owners as to how best  to protect their puppies and dogs from the risk of contracting PARVO.    Instead of using its Outreach Programs and the functionality of its Website to "educate" Dog Owners, the HSUS has consciously chosen to remain silent on the issue of PARVO so that it may continue to falsely accuse responsible breeders of breeding "sick puppies," which is a blasphemous lie!  In short, the HSUS has chosen to keep the American Public and Millions of Dog Owners in the dark about the true causes of PARVO  as part of what could be and should be a laudable "Educational and Preventive Health Program."  Instead, the HSUS has chosen to libelously accuse all responsible breeders as being "PMs" because that allows the HSUS to continually misuse the images of "sick" puppies and dogs as part of its illegitimate and deceptive Fundraising Campaigns, which some have described as Fundraising Schemes.  In a word, the "silence" of the HSUS about the true causes of "sick" puppies and dogs, and its failure to "educate" the American Public and its donors who have contributed over One Billion Dollars ($1,000,000,000) over the last 10 years to the coffers of the HSUS may best be described as:   "INHUMANE!" 
Yes, such a callous and insensitive desire to place a higher "Soundbite" Priority on its Fundraising Campaigns rather than on the need to educate the American Public about the true causes of PARVO is not only unconscionable, but it is "INHUMANE!!!!!"  Shame on the HSUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
The American Public deserves to receive the "TRUTH" from organizations that have been designated as tax-exempt, public charities by the Internal Revenue Service!!!!!  So "Why Doesn't the HSUS Tell the Whole Truth?"  Perhaps the "WHY" is because the "TRUTH" would undermine its deceitful Fundraising Campaigns that are based on libelous lies.  Furthermore, if details of its  inhumane act of silence and its failure to educate the American Public about the true causes of "sick" puppies became common knowledge, such knowledge would undoubtedly jeopardize the ability of the HSUS to persuade the American Public to continue to donate over $130 Million Dollars a year that is used to support the Propaganda Campaigns and the Political Agenda of the HSUS to the detriment of ALL Dog Owners throughout America.
If the HSUS does not care about ensuring that all Dog Owners become aware of the safeguards to follow to avoid putting their puppies at risk of contracting PARVO and becoming "sick," what else has the HSUS failed to tell the American Public?!?!?!?!?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Intended Consequences by Mindy Patterson

It did not require rocket science to conclude that the consequences of the 2007 ban on horse processing would produce bad results for the U.S. horse industry, but no one could have predicted the horrific outcome that haunts America and the welfare of horses today. Resulting in today’s estimated three hundred thousand unwanted, and infirmed horses nationwide, their unfortunate destination has been that of abandonment on public and private lands, only to face unnecessary and painful death from starvation and thirst. Meanwhile, the increasing population of un-adoptable horses are left to live out the last of their years in crowded shelters across our nation, many requiring financially burdensome care, costing tax payers a pretty penny, and in many cases, are forced to suffer further when funding is not available. That sure doesn’t sound like a ‘humane’ outcome to me.

One could argue that these circumstances are the ‘unintended’ consequences resulting from the 2007 ban on horse processing. However, things just don’t add up to support that argument. Horses are definitely suffering. Isn’t that the cue for the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) to come galloping to the rescue and deliver on their fund raising promises to “help protect America’s horses?” So, where is the Humane Society of the United States and their millions of dollars to stop the pain and distress of horses nation-wide? 

The silence is deafening. Further proof that HSUS is a fraud.

Gee, you don’t suppose HSUS is using the images of distressed horses from circumstances they created to raise more money? Sadly, they probably are and therein lies their true intentions… the real ‘intended’ consequences.

HSUS pretends to be the savior of distressed animals, but in actuality they  spend only half of one percent of their $130 million intake of annual donations for the hands on care of animals nationwide. The rest of their massive budget goes toward lobbying, funding ballot measures state by state (they spent over $4.85 million here in Missouri for Prop. B in 2010), media and commercial advertisements, celebrity endorsers, employee pension plans, and public stockholding in restaurants, grocery store chains, and pharmaceutical companies.

Hopefully Americans are waking up to the real intentions promoted by this radical animal rights organization. HSUS uses emotional images that border on outright fraud in order to procure donations from caring, animal loving people who believe that their contribution will go directly to the hands on care of distressed animals. The money instead money goes to funding the advancement of an animal rights agenda, and their tactics include coercing legislators and voters with their emotional messages to further regulate farmers, livestock producers and domesticated animal breeders with their so-called “anti cruelty” campaigns imposing unnecessary, onerous, prohibitive and costly regulations that will result in the complete elimination of all pet and livestock breeding, farming and agriculture in America.  This strategy follows a pattern in many states across America, which have already fallen to HSUS-driven campaigns at the expense of fewer farms, fewer farmers, higher food prices, and a growing concern of a domestic food shortage.

It is difficult to argue that these are not the intended consequences of HSUS’ anti-meat, animal rights activist agenda, and it all presents a very grim future for animal agriculture in the United States.  Just consider the goal of HSUS’ lead policy director and vegan activist, J.P. Goodwin who has gone on record by saying, “My goal is the abolition of all animal agriculture.”

Tragically, the horse industry has diminished at lightening speed since the 2007 ban on horse processing. Today, more than three hundred thousand horses across our country face dire circumstances as the direct outcome of federal legislation resulting from the reaction to dishonest emotional propaganda driven by the radical animal rights organization, HSUS and their well funded campaign using emotion and misinformation to pressure lawmakers to outlaw horse processing in the United States. The results have not only created a horrible situation for horses, but have deflated the horse market and have devastated all the horse related industries from saddle makers to feed producers.  Meanwhile, HSUS continues their emotional campaign without taking responsibility for the heartbreaking circumstances that they have created, leaving those who own horses, or who are a part of the horse industry, to solve this disgraceful dilemma.

As indicated by the Government Accounting Office (GAO) report released in June 2011, and as testified to by practically every horse industry and agriculture organization in the U.S., appropriation-riders and bills that seek to eliminate any possibility of humanely processing horses in the U.S. offer zero solutions. The GAO report also revealed that the lack of horse processing in the U.S. has exacerbated the suffering of horses, increased the number of needless and wasteful deaths, and has caused more abandonment, neglect, pain, and misery for horses nation-wide.

Reestablishing humane horse processing in America is a viable solution, one that would restore much needed balance in the horse markets and horse industry, while profoundly improving the state of horse welfare. We are currently witnessing the outcome of the alternative.  In order to avoid the ‘intended’ consequences of the HSUS agenda, it is essential that animal agriculture policies are driven by people who understand, and who are a part of the industry, not by elitists who live behind a desk and know nothing about animal husbandry or agriculture, but claim they know “what’s best.”

United Horsemen is a national organization run by professional and knowledgeable horsemen and horsewomen who have been working with legislators at the federal level to restore humane and regulated horse processing in the United States. United Horsemen is a growing grassroots member based organization striving to ensure the best possible fate for all horses nationwide, and to protect America’s vibrant horseback culture, heritage, industries, and its people.

Mindy Patterson  is the president and co-founder of The Cavalry Group and the director of development for United Horsemen, a national member-based organization working to preserve America’s horseback culture and heritage, and to revive the horse industry in order to ‘Build A Better Future For Horses’. . Mindy also serves on the board of directors of the Missouri Equine Council, and as communications director for Missouri Federation of Animal Owners.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


WARNING:  If the PUPS Bill - - which was drafted by the Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS) - - is enacted into Law, it may affect every single breeder in the U.S who breeds as few as one dog a year.  That's right . . . one dog!   And the PUPS Bill could affect you in more than 20 different ways, and would create a "slippery slope" that would inevitably lead to other intended or unintended consequences that may affect all dog owners - - even those who do not intend to breed dogs.
Slowly, quietly, methodically, and behind the scenes, the HSUS has been recruiting more and more co-sponsors for PUPS each week.  Currently there are 124 U.S. Representatives who are on record as being either the Sponsor or Co-Sponsors of PUPS; and 15 U.S. Senators who are also on record as being either the Sponsor or Co-Sponsors of PUPS.
I have said in the past that when the numbers reach 150 in the House and 34 in the Senate - - slightly more than 1/3 in Both Houses of Congress - - the HSUS will make a full Court Press to bring the PUPS Bill to a vote.  It is only a matter of time before the thresholds of "150" and "34" are met - - first in the House, and then in the Senate.  That  is inevitable unless Members of Congress realize that the HSUS has a "Dark Side" and is not what it has been perceived to be.   THAT IS WHY IT IS SO IMPORTANT THAT ALL LETTERS SENT TO MEMBERS OF CONGRESS INCLUDE AN "ATTENTION-GETTING," FIGURATIVE "LIGHTNING BOLT" IN ORDER TO GRAB THE ATTENTION OF MEMBERS OF CONGRESS WHO ARE "APPROACHABLE" BY THE HSUS, BUT WHO HAVE NOT YET BECOME CO-SPONSORS, AS WELL AS SOME OF THE CURRENT CO-SPONSORS OF THE PUPS BILL WHO MIGHT CONSIDER WITHDRAWING THEIR CO-SPONSORSHIP OF THE PUPS BILL.
Why do I say "approachable?"    In March of this year, the HSUS presented its 2010 Legislative Awards to 144 Members of Congress who best supported the HSUS Lobbying Agenda in 2010.  Fifty-eight (58) of the 108 U.S. Representatives who received the HSUS Awards are currently co-sponsors of the PUPS Bill.  That means that if only 26 of the remaining 50 "uncommitted" Representatives who were "honored" by the HSUS were to co-sponsor the PUPS Bill, the "Magic Number" of 150 would be reached.  So far, only 11 of the 36 Senators who were honored by the HSUS in March of this year have Sponsored or Co-Sponsored the Companion PUPS Bill in the Senate.  Thus, if 19 of the "uncommitted" 25 Senators who were honored by the HSUS in March of this year were to co-sponsor the Senate version of the PUPS Bill, the "Magic Number" of 34 would be reached.  Both are very reasonably attainable.
Ideally, the Offices of every Member of Congress need to be "flooded" with E-Mails that call attention to the "Dark Side" of the HSUS, as well as the fact that the HSUS has become the subject of Investigations   by three separate Federal Agencies.  The recommended wording for these E-Mails would read as follows.
"Dear Senator/Representative:
No caring American supports the activities of those few "substandard kennels" that do exist.  Unfortunately, the Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS) has mischaracterized and slurred the activities of thousands of caring breeders by referring to them as "puppy mills."  Deceptively, the HSUS has never publicly acknowledged or disclosed the fact that these thousands of breeders are either Licensed and Inspected by the Federal Government, or by the State Government, and many of them are "Hobby and Show Breeders," as well as breeders of Search and Rescue dogs and breeders of dogs for owners with special needs, such as the blind.  Unfortunately, the HSUS's grotesque distortion of the true facts have worked up so many into a frenzied, false belief that the PUPS Bill will solve the purportedly systemic  "problems" that have been "highlighted" by the HSUS, but simply do not exist.
Throughout the History of the U. S., there have been charlatans who have deceived much of the American Public and many Government Officials.  By analogy, it took years before the scandal involving Mr. Bernie Madoff exposed the magnitude of his deception - - and so many, in the Government and outside of the Government, blindly trusted and followed his recommendations to their detriment.  That is why I am equally concerned that the PUPS Bill is deceptively flawed, and requires a more in-depth review before the Congress moves forward to vote on the PUPS Bill, especially since the three Senior Government Officials listed below have been briefed on the status of on-going investigations in each of their respective Federal Agencies.  These investigations involve the allegations of improper activities of the HSUS and their current and former employees.  And that is why, I urge you to contact each of the three Government Officials listed below, and ask them to brief you on the nature of the investigations involving the Humane Society of the U.S., and its current and former employees, before the U.S. Congress votes on the PUPS Bill.
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) - - INSPECTOR GENERAL PHYLLIS K. FONG:  Ask about the status of the on-going investigation involving allegations of a "Conflict of Interest" and a "Misuse of Government Position" by Ms. Sarah L. Conant, a former HSUS Litigation Attorney who was a hired by USDA but two days after she resigned her position with the HSUS to become the Chief of the APHIS Enforcement Branch.  Also ask about the preliminary review by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics of Ms. Conant's alleged "Conflict of Interest."
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - - ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY KEITH MORGAN IN THE OFFICE OF THE U.S. ATTORNEY FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA:  Ask about the status of the Complaint that he has received concerning the allegations that the Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS); and its self-described "Lobbying Arm" and "Lobbying Affiliate," the Humane Society Legislative Fund (HSLF), which has submitted thousands of pages of lobbying documents to the Federal Election Commission; and the Senior Leadership of both the HSUS and the HSLF have violated the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.  Despite the fact that the HSUS, the HSLF and the Senior Leadership of those two tax-exempt organizations were required by Law to register with the Clerk of the House of Representatives and with the Secretary of the U.S. Senate because of their thousands of "Lobbying Contacts" with "Covered Executive Branch Officials and "Covered Legislative Branch Officials," THEY HAVE NEVER DONE SO!
DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY - - INSPECTOR GENERAL J. RUSSELL GEORGE:  Ask about the inquiries made by at least Eight Members of Congress concerning the "apparent inappropriate activities" of the HSUS and its "tax-exempt status."   Also ask about his response to Senator Lugar that was dated August 24, 2011, in which he stated that "we have recently initiated an audit to determine whether the IRS's Exempt Organizations function is accurately accounting for referrals of alleged violations of Federal tax law."
While I personally believe that it is inappropriate for you to support the PUPS Bill, I only ask that you come to your own conclusions after you gather the "all of the facts" from the USDA, the Justice Department and the Treasury Department.  In short, the "lessons learned" from blindly following the seemingly logical and persuasive recommendations of Bernie Madoff may very well apply to following the seemingly logical and persuasive recommendations of the Humane Society of the U.S. which is the subject of on-going investigations by three different Federal Agencies, and which has been aggressively lobbying Members of the U.S. Congress to support the passage of the PUPS Bill.
                                                      Respectfully Submitted,
1.  To send an E-Mail to your U.S. Representative, Log onto
To send an E-Mail to your Two Senators, Log onto

Monday, September 26, 2011


·      Eight Members of Congress have requested the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury to investigate "HSUS's apparent improper activities and its tax exempt status."  By letter dated April 18, 2011, six of these eight Members of Congress also asked the Treasury's Inspector General to "investigate IRS's potential failure to conduct a proper investigation pursuant to Congressman Leutkemeyer's March 23, 2010 letter."  The eight Members of Congress include Senator Lugar and Representative Visclosky from Indiana, Representative Young from Alaska, and Representatives Emerson, Hartzler, Long, Leutkemeyer and Graves from Missouri.
·      The Treasury's Inspector General for Tax Administration, by letter dated August 24, 2011, informed Senator Lugar from Indiana that his Office "recently initiated an audit to determine whether the IRS's Exempt Organizations function is accurately accounting for referrals of alleged violations of Federal tax law, acknowledging receipt to submitters, and tracking and monitoring the time frames for working referrals." 
·      During 2010 more than 6,000 concerned, tax-paying citizens from all 50 States wrote to the IRS and requested the IRS to investigate the excessive, prohibited, non-reported and under-reported lobbying activities of the U.S., which are the subject of 17 Formal Submissions to the IRS that are substantiated by 1,628 pages of incriminating and self incriminating documents.  These documents include:
1.   Extracts from HSUS Tax Returns that literally "brag" about all of its lobbying activities while claiming on other sections of its Tax Returns that none of its paid staff or volunteers lobby;
2.  Claims by the President and CEO of the HSUS that he and the HSUS are responsible for the passage of 1,000 laws - - some of the claims are recorded on CDs furnished to the IRS;
3.  Federal Election Commission Documents that reference nearly 3,000 pages of lobbying related documents that were generated by three subsidiary organizations and PACs of the HSUS which confirm that Millions of Dollars have been contributed to Hundreds of Federal Election Campaigns, and these expenditures do not include the Millions of Dollars expended by the HSUS at the State Level where it claims to be responsible for the passage of more than 525 State Statutes and Ballot Initiatives; and
4.   The failure to report any receipt of Membership Dues for the last five years, which could amount to more than $500 Million.
·      The Treasury's Inspector General has received a Documented Complaint that one or more IRS Employees has been improperly "leaking" portions of the above referenced 17 Submissions to the IRS to the HSUS.
·      The Office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia has received a Documented Complaint that the HSUS and Members of its Senior Leadership are in violation of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 because they have never registered as a Lobbying Organization or as Lobbyists with the two Houses of Congress, notwithstanding 1,000s of direct "lobbying contacts" for the purpose of influencing legislation.  In contrast, the President and CEO of the HSUS is a Registered Lobbyist in MO. 
         NOTE:  If the HSUS and its Senior Leadership had registered with both Houses of Congress, the          HSUS would be admitting that it has done excessive lobbying, which in turn, could result in        the IRS rescinding its tax-exempt, public charity status, and the HSUS could become subject to        the IRS assessing Tens of Millions of Dollars in back taxes, penalties and interest.
·      The Parent Company of the Ringling Brothers Circus has filed a Lawsuit against the HSUS, and alleged the following violations:  Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act; Money Laundering; Bribery; Obstruction of Justice; Mail Fraud; Wire Fraud; Illegal Witness Payments; Virginia Conspiracy Act;  Conspiracy to Harm a Business; Abuse of Process;  Malicious Prosecution; and a Fundraiser Held in Furtherance of the Schemes.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


The “Above the Law” issue with respect to the Humane Society of the U.S (HSUS) was raised in a Documented Complaint that was formally submitted to, and is now being considered by, the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia.  Time will tell how much longer the HSUS will be permitted to operate “Above the Law” with respect to a number of Federal Statutes.  And it will be most interesting to see what a Department of Justice Attorney does with the formal, 18-page Complaint, with 153 pages of supporting documents that was received by a DOJ Attorney on August 4, 2011, and which alleges that the HSUS has failed to comply with the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.
By way of background, the “Above the Law” issue is not just limited to alleged non-compliance with the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.  In this regard, there is also documented evidence which supports assertions that the HSUS and some of its most Senior Executives have either blatantly ignored or have trivialized the Federal Statutory Provisions of the U.S. Tax Code, the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.
With respect to the issue of non-compliance with the U.S. Tax Code, eight Members of Congress have requested the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury to ensure that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) investigates the “apparent improper activities” of the Humane Society of the HSUS.  The “apparent improper activities” are referencing activities that establish that the HSUS exceeded the U. S. Tax Code limitations on lobbying by a tax-exempt, public charity.  (It is most noteworthy that the IRS has received 1,628 pages of documents in support of allegations that the HSUS has not complied with the U.S. Tax Code.)  And this is the same HSUS that has suggested that the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act - - a Federal Domestic Terrorism Statute - - is an “unjust law” that is worthy of “civil disobedience.”   It is also the same HSUS that has been sued by the Parent Company of Ringling Brothers Circus which has alleged that the HSUS has violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.  And now the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia has received a Documented Complaint that alleges that the HSUS has ignored, with impunity, and has failed to comply with yet another Federal Statute for over five continuous years - - The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.
The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 requires that any entity or employee who has had as few as only one - - that’s right - - “one contact” with a Member of Congress or any of their staff for the purpose of lobbying in support of any Federal Legislation; or has contacted a Senior Official in the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government, such as the White House or the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for the purpose of influencing Government Policies is required to submit a Lobbying Registration Document, as well as to file Quarterly and Semi-Annual Lobbying Reports, to the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives and to the Secretary of the U.S. Senate. 
Most significantly, the Lobbying Records maintained by the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives reflect “no record” - -ABSOLUTELY NONE! - - of any Lobbing Registration Documents or Quarterly and Semi-Annual Lobbying Reports ever being filed by the following six entities and Senior Executive Employees of the HSUS and its affiliated Lobbying Organizations:
·       The HSUS;
·       The Humane Society Legislative Fund (HSLF) - - the publicly acknowledged “Lobbying” subsidiary of the HSUS;
·       Mr. Wayne Pacelle, the President and CEO of the HSUS and Vice President of the HSLF;
·       Mr. Michael Markarian, the Chief Operation Officer (C00) of the HSUS; the President of the HSLF; and the Chairman of the Humane USA Political Action Committee (PAC);
·       Ms. Nancy Perry, who up until May of this year was the HSUS Vice President of Government Affairs before she became the Senior Vice President of Government Affairs for the American Society for the Prevention to Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA); and
·       Ms. Amundson, the Executive Director of the HSLF.
Here it is most noteworthy that the above six entities and individuals have cumulatively and literally had thousands of direct contacts with Members of Congress, Congressional Staffers and with Senior Officials in the Executive Branch of our Government over the last five-plus years.  However, none of the above six entities and individuals have ever registered as a Lobbyist, or as a Lobbying Organization, or as a Lobbying Client, as they are required to do by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995. 
Examples of the excessive “Lobbying Contacts” by the above six entities and individuals are set out below.  Significantly, the thousands of direct “Lobbying Contacts” that were made by the above six entities and individuals do not include the Hundreds of Millions of E-Mails that the HSUS sent to its Members and Supporters through the efforts of the HSUS support staff and the sophisticated “functionality” of the HSUS Website.  And every single one of these Hundreds of Millions of E-Mails urged the HSUS Members and Supporters to contact their respective Members of Congress and Senior Officials in the Executive Branch of our Government for the express purpose of supporting the publicized Lobbying Agenda of the HSUS.
·       Mr. Pacelle:
o      His BIO highlights the fact that he served as the “chief lobbyist and spokesperson” for the HSUS for nearly 10 years before he became the President and CEO of the HSUS.
o      His BIO includes his claim that he “has helped pass more than 25 federal statutes.”
o      His BIO acknowledges that he was the “founder of the Humane USA PAC,” which is the Political Action Committee of the Affiliated Organizations of the HSUS, and which has filed over 2,300 pages of lobbying related documents with the Federal Election Commission.
o      His BIO highlights that he was the “founder of the Humane Society Legislative Fund,” an organization that “lobbies for animal welfare legislation.”
o       His BIO explicitly states that he “has helped to pass more than 25 Federal Statutes.”
o      His BLOGS that are posted on the HSUS Website; his E-Mails that bear his personal signature, and which cumulatively have been sent to Millions of the HSUS Members and Supporters; his Town Hall Meetings and his Teleconference Calls; and his Newspaper, Magazine, Radio and TV Interviews with such personalities as Ellen DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey are always punctuated and hallmarked by his braggadocio statements about how the HSUS lobbies at the Federal Level and “works the Halls of Congress.”  And most recently, when he appeared on the Greta Van Susteren FOX TV Program that aired on July 20, 2011, and he was asked why he and Michael Vick were together on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, his explicit quote was “We are here to lobby!”
o      Multiple photos posted on the HSUS Website, which have the HSUS Logo in the background, show Mr. Pacelle posing with 12 different Members of Congress who received awards from the HSUS and HSLF for their support of the HSUS Legislative Agenda in 2010.
·       Mr. Marakarian:
o      His BIO acknowledges that in addition to being the Executive Vice President and Chief Operation Officer of the HSUS, he also serves as the President of the Humane Society Legislative Fund (HSLF), and that he oversees the lobbying and political activity” of the HSLF which is a “lobbying and political affiliate” of the HSUS and the other subsidiaries of the HSUS.
o      His BIO also confirms that he is the “Chairman of the Humane USA,” which is a Political Action Committee (PAC) of the HSLF and HSUS, and which has submitted over 2,300 pages of lobbying related documents to the Federal Election Commission.
o      Multiple photos posted on the HSUS Website, which have the HSUS Logo in the background, show Mr. Markarian posing with 12 different Members of Congress who received Awards from the HSUS and HSLF for their support of the HSUS Legislative Agenda in 2010.
·       Ms. Perry:
o       Her BIO listed her position as the HSUS Vice President of Government Affairs, and explicitly stated that “she oversees lobbing efforts . . . in Congress,” and that she “lobbies directly for federal animal protection legislation.”
o      Her BIO also explicitly stated that she “led successful efforts to secure landslide, bipartisan floor votes in favor of banning horse slaughter in the House and Senate.  Under her watch, federal legislation requiring disaster planning for pets, closing tax loopholes for trophy hunters, banning exotic pets, prohibiting the interstate commerce of birds for fighting, and banning dog and cat fur passed."
Multiple photos posted on the HSUS Website, which have the HSUS Logo in the background, show Ms Perry posing with 3 different Members of Congress who received Awards from the HSUS and HSLF for their support of the HSUS Legislative Agenda in 2010.

·       Ms. Amundson:
o      As reflected on the IRS Tax Return for the Humane Society Legislative Fund HSLF), Ms. Amundson serves as the Executive Director of the specifically designated “Lobbying” Subsidiary of the HSUS.
o      Multiple photos posted on the HSUS Website, which have the HSUS Logo in the background, show Ms Amundson posing with 2 different Members of Congress who received Awards from the HSUS and HSLF for their support of the HSUS Legislative Agenda in 2010.
·       Humane Society Legislative Fund (HSLF):
o      Its Tax Return Documents and its Website Descriptions identify the HSLF as a “lobbying” organization.
o      Published lobbying-related quotes on documents found on the HSLF and the HSUS Website include:
§       "The Humane Society Legislative Fund is . . . a separate lobbying affiliate of the Humane Society of the United States.  HSLF works to pass animal protection laws at the state and federal levels.”
§       "HSLF has endorsed congressional candidates.”
§       “HSLF publishes the Humane Scorecard, which tracks the voting records of Members of Congress, as well as a Voter Guide." (Up until 2009, these documents were posted on the HSUS Website.)
§       The HSLF published and posted its "111th Congress Humane Scorecard Leaders," and used it as the basis for giving special HSUS Awards to 144 Members of Congress.  (Up until 2009, the HSUS “Humane Scorecard” Award Winning Congressional Recipients were posted on the HSUS Website.)
·       Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS):
o      Quotes from the Tax Returns of the HSUS include:
o      A fundraising page on the HSUS Website claims that it is able to accomplish its goals by “working in the halls of Congress to create laws.”
o      The HSUS has published over 100 “Take Action” Messages on its Website which urged all HSUS Members and Supporters to contact their Members of Congress.
o      The HSUS sponsors an Annual Weekend Lobbying Event in the Washington DC area each year.  Key quotes from documents on the HSUS Website concerning this Lobbying Event that occurred in July 2011 include:
§       "Our lobbyists will make an appointment with your legislators and/or their staffs"
§       "On Monday, join us on Capitol Hill and put your new skills into practice by discussing important animal protection legislation during your appointment."
§       "Our lobbyists guide you every step of the way."
o      The HSUS has announced on its Website that it “is seeking a Vice President to lead its Federal Affairs team and to advance the organization’s public policy goals at the federal level, through the U.S. Congress, White House and regulatory agencies."
The U.S. Government Office that is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 is the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia.  Consequently, if that Office were to receive several thousand Letters and E-Mails from concerned citizens from all over the U.S. about the heretofore ability of the HSUS to ignore and not comply with the Laws enacted by the U.S. Congress, it is highly probable that the Department of Justice will very, very closely examine the compelling evidence that documents that the HSUS, the HSLF and their Senior Executive Employees have continuously failed to comply with the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.

If you wish to send such a letter by “snail mail” or by E-Mail, the appropriate addresses and suggested text for such Letters and E-Mails are set out below.  If you send a letter by “snail mail,” be sure to sign the letter and add your full name and mailing address.  If you decide to send the letter by E-Mail, be sure to add your full name and address, and for the Subject Line use the following:  “ALLEGED VIOLATIONS OF THE LOBBYING DISCLOSURE ACT OF 1995 - - HSUS.”  The E-Mail address to use for your letter would be  Significantly, NO LETTER OR E-MAIL that is sent to any Office in the Justice Department is subject to public disclosure in response to any Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request.

Cumulatively, a “flood” of follow-up Letters and E-Mails from citizens from all over the U.S. that reference the Documented Complaint against the HSUS, which is now under review by the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, will have a significant and powerful impact, and the HSUS may discover, to its chagrin, that it will no longer be permitted to operate “Above the Law!!!!!”    And if the Justice Department were to hold the HSUS, the HSLF and its Senior Leadership accountable for non-compliance with the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, I am confident that the IRS will become aware of this fact!


Office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia
ATTN:  Mr. Keith Morgan
555 Fourth Street NW
Washington DC 20530

Subject:  Formal Complaint that Alleges that the Humane Society of the U.S.; the Humane
Society Legislative Fund; Mr. Wayne Pacelle; Mr. Michael Markarian; Ms. Nancy        Perry; and Ms. Sarah Amundson Have Failed to Comply with the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 For Up To Five or More Years.

Dear Mr. Morgan:

As a follow-up to the Documented Complaint that your Office received on August 4, 2011, I respectfully ask that you ensure that the Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS), the Humane Society Legislative Fund and their respective Senior Leadership be held accountable for their non-compliance with the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.  The integrity of this Federal Statute, as well as all Federal Statutes, should never be allowed to be undermined by individuals or entities that operate and conduct their activities as if they are “Above the Law.”

Even without considering the Hundreds of Millions of HSUS-generated E-Mails, which urged its Members and Supporters to contact their respective Members of Congress for the express purpose of influencing Federal Legislation, the literally thousands of “direct contacts” with Members of Congress that were made by the Senior Executives of the HSUS for the express and acknowledged purpose to “lobby” Members of Congress constitute an overwhelming “Body of Evidence” which demonstrates a blatant disregard of the very explicit Registration and Reporting Requirements as set out in the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.

I seek your assurance that no individual and no corporate entity shall ever be permitted to ignore the requirements of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, and that those who are not in compliance with this Act will be held accountable for such non-compliance.


Sunday, August 14, 2011


As of August 15, 2011, 128 Members of Congress (24%) have either sponsored or co-sponsored PUPS - - a Legislative Bill that would amend the Animal Welfare Act and establish even more stringent care standards for all Federally Licensed and Inspected Dog Breeders than currently exist.  Here it is significant to note that if PUPS were enacted, it would set the stage for the HSUS to “push” and “pressure” the USDA to extend coverage of the Animal Welfare Act to hobby breeders as well.
The existing standards for dogs, as set out in the implementing Animal Welfare Regulation, are very detailed as to the precise quality of care that must be provided for each and every dog and puppy, as well as exacting requirements that, among other things, include precise “comfort” limitations on the temperatures maintained for the sheltered housing of dogs.  In this regard, Section 3.3 of the Animal Welfare Regulation provides that “sheltered housing facilities for dogs . . . must be sufficiently cooled when necessary to protect dogs . . . from temperature or humidity extremes and to provide for their health and well being.”  This same provision further provides that the “ambient temperature must not . . . rise above 85 (degrees F) for more than 4 hours when . . . dogs are present.  The preceding requirements are in addition to, not in place of, all other requirements pertaining to climatic conditions in parts 2 and 3 of this Chapter.”   Furthermore, to ensure strict compliance with all provisions of the Animal Welfare Act, and its implementing Regulation, the Department of Agriculture is required to ensure that all Federally Licensed Breeders are in full compliance with the Animal Welfare Act and its implementing Regulation through the use of a detailed Federal Inspection Program which includes periodic, no notice inspections by Federal Inspectors of every Federally Licensed Dog Kennel in the entire U.S.
In contrast, while the U.S. Congress did enact the Nursing Home Reform Act in 1987, neither that Act nor its implementing Regulation that exists today - - nearly 25 years after Congress enacted the Nursing Home Reform Act - - establish Standards of Care for our Loved Ones, who must spend the twilight of their lives in Nursing Homes, with the same degree of detail as currently exists in the implementing Regulation to the Animal Welfare Act that explicitly establishes the required and detail care for dogs.  For example, if the air conditioning breaks down on a Friday Night in a Nursing Home and the ambient room temperature in the rooms of Loved Ones with respiratory problems rises above 85 (degrees F) for more than 4 hours, unlike the mandatory requirements for the care of dogs, there is no requirement for our Loved Ones to be moved to another room where the temperature is below 86 degrees F, or for the air conditioning to be repaired before Monday morning, if ever!  Furthermore, there is no current Statutory requirement, nor is there any pending legislation being considered by the U.S.  Congress that would require the Department of Health and Human Services to use Federal Inspectors to periodically inspect Nursing Homes - - that receive Billions of Dollars in Medicare and Medicaid Payments - - to ensure that our Loved Ones in Nursing Homes are actually receiving the minimum level of care mandated by the Nursing Home Reform Act.   To many, the absence of an air conditioning standard for Nursing Homes that is comparable to the air conditioning standard for dog kennels, and the absence of a Federal Inspection Program for Nursing Homes suggest that Congress places a higher priority on the care and welfare of dogs than it does for the care and welfare of our Loved Ones in Nursing Homes.
If you believe that a Loved One in a Nursing Home should receive at least the same quality of care as is provided to a dog, why don’t you ask your Members of Congress to support such legislation as a backdoor way to “finesse” and highlight the absurdity of the PUPS Bill without creating the appearance of a parochial interest of dog breeders.  That is the essence of the “Art of Finesse!”  In this regard, if the Members of Congress, who have co-sponsored the PUPS Bill, were to be made aware of the fact that they have placed  a higher priority on the care and welfare for dogs than on the care and welfare for our Loved Ones in Nursing Homes, a few may wince and reconsider their decision to co-sponsor PUPS.  And to those who are currently being “lobbied” by the HSUS to co-sponsor the PUPS Bill, the revelation about a higher priority for the care of dogs than for our Loved Ones in Nursing Homes may stop the momentum for any more Members of Congress to co-sponsor PUPS. 
I truly believe that if the Members of Congress became fully aware of the fact that the Federal Government places a higher priority on the care and welfare of dogs than on the care and welfare of our Loved Ones in Nursing Homes, such an awakening revelation may be the “showstopper” to derail the on-going momentum to enact the PUPS Bill.
Stop and reflect for a moment………. How many Members of Congress do you believe would welcome notoriety associated with the fact that the U.S. Congress apparently has placed a higher priority on the care and welfare of a dog than on the care and welfare of a Loved One in a Nursing Home?
If you wish to bring this comparative absurdity of Congressional Priorities to the attention your respective Members of Congress, you may do so by sending an E-Mail to them.  To send E-Mails, simply follow the instructions below.  It will take you less than 10 Minutes to do so, and it just may derail and stop the HSUS PUPS Freight Train!!!
1.  To send an E-Mail to your U.S. Representative, Log onto
2.  Fill in your state and ZIP Code on the prompt that appears.
3.  Add your name, address and E-Mail address on the E-Mail Form for your U.S. Representative; and on the Subject Line add: PUPS - - MISPLACED CONGRESSIONAL PRIORITIES;  and then add the message set out below.
4.  To send an E-Mail to your Two Senators, Log onto:
5.  Click onto the E-Mail Address for each of your two U.S. Senators.
6.  Add your name, address and E-Mail address on the E-Mail Form for your two U.S. Senators; and on the Subject Line add: PUPS - - MISPLACED CONGRESSIONAL PRIORITIES;  and then add the message set out below.

Suggested Text of E-Mail Message

“I was alarmed to learn that the Federal Government has an Inspection Program that requires that all Federally Licensed  Breeders receive no notice inspections by Federal Inspectors to ensure compliance with the Animal Welfare Act, but that there is no Federal Inspection Program for Nursing Homes where our Loved Ones must  spend the twilight of their lives in a Nursing Home.  I am equally concerned that the Federal Government has an air conditioning standard for dog kennels, but no such air conditioning standard exists for the Nursing Home Rooms where our Loved Ones reside. 
Since the Federal Standards for the care and welfare of dogs in kennels are already more stringent than the existing Federal Standards for the care and welfare for our Loved Ones in Nursing Homes; and since Nursing Homes are not subject to periodic inspections by Federal Inspectors in the same manner that dog kennels are subject to inspections by Federal Inspectors, would you please tell me why Congress places a higher priority on amending the Animal Welfare Act with the pending PUPS Bill than it does on ensuring that Nursing Home Reform Act is amended so that our Loved Ones in Nursing Homes will receive the same level of care that is currently required by the U.S. Government to be provided for dogs?”